Meet Maggie; she is our loving and snugly puppy friend at Crawmer’s. Maggie is going through Canine good citizen classes. Our students are learning in class what it means to care for a puppy.
Today when Maggie entered our family, she was greeted with open arms. Children were in awe at her loving and cuddly personality. Maggie joyfully went over and engaged with each student, letting them hug and cuddle her. At recess, she romped on the playground with the children and at nap time…. she napped. The talk at the lunch table was how much fun it is to have a pet at the school. Our non verbal students were drawn into Maggie as if she was a yummy applesauce and chocolate chip muffin. Hearts were melted and joy filled their faces.
How do you put into words the love a child has for a sweet puppy? How can you measure the way a puppy can cheer a child up who doesn’t yet know her teachers? Warm, gentle cuddles, soft wet kisses -these are the languages of children and puppies. Their hearts are one and nothing else matters. The fun part of being a child is getting to explore your world. This is so similar to being a young puppy. Everything is new and exciting. Each smell, the shiny tinsel on the tree, the feeling of walking over rocks vs grass -children and animals have some many things in common.
Maggie has a sister, Haddie. Tomorrow we will post about Haddie’s adventures at our Eastside location.
Learning, is all about experiencing. To be a child, to experience the unconditional love of a dog, how to treat others, using gentle voices, how to care for someone outside of yourself. PRICELESS. Precious. Love unleashed.